
Service reviews and redesigns

Many organisations benefit from having an objective, professional peer assessment of their services, with practical suggestions for improvement and change.

At Blauw Bear we don’t have one team of consultants handling service reviews or redesigns. Instead we put together people specially selected and experienced to assess the areas of your business you want evaluated.

Our practitioners have worked in different disciplines of health and social care. We can provide expertise in areas including:

  • Care home management
  • Clinical practice
  • Commissioning
  • Finance and funding
  • Human resources
  • Mental health care
  • Social work
  • Telecare and telehealth

Our approach

We will first examine the evidence and data you have, and observe your practices. To support your organisation’s internal communication and transparency we may also ask to speak to staff, in groups or one-to-one, or to individuals who use your services. It’s important we understand everyone’s view.

When we’ve gathered all the information we need, we’ll prepare a set of recommendations for improvements or changes to your practices. These will always reflect the legal or best-practice benchmarks for your field of work. We will also let you know what is working well.

Throughout this time we’ll keep in regular communication, with updates so you know what is happening and when.

From recommendations to action

We won’t simply give you a list of changes and then leave you to it. We’ll work with you to create a plan and help you put any changes in place.

This could include new or adapted services, or reconfiguring parts of the provision. We can also write or update policies, procedures and guidance documents, and give your staff the training we’ve identified they need. To ensure continual development we can return at later dates to evaluate your progress, report on improvements, and measure your performance against quality care standards.


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The Blauw Bear team helped us be realistic about what we could achieve within the given budget, with the best outcome for staff, individuals and their carers."

Your troubleshooting helped us progress at a much greater speed than if we had tried to tackle this redesign on our own. The policy and guidance documents have been invaluable in helping with the service transition."