
Personal Health Budgets – services for CCGs

Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) help people with long-term health conditions to manage their own support. They focus on individual perceptions of health and well-being, and how a person self-defines what help will give them the best life possible.

Individuals have greater freedom in choosing how to spend their PHB, meaning a decline in demand for traditional, large-scale commissioning of services.

Our PHB expertise

All the Blauw Bear associates in our PHB team have experience in clinical practice or NHS management, or have worked as advisers, both for people receiving PHBs and CCGs in service development and roll-out.

Each CCG has different needs, and we tailor our support to suit you. We can:

  • Manage and supervise PHB planning, roll-out and longer-term service support
  • Organise and present staff training programmes, including the principles and practice of PHBs, how to work with people receiving PHBs, care planning and evaluation
  • Meet with individuals and their representatives to explain what PHBs are and how they work
  • Guide PHB recipients or their representatives, helping them form personalised PHB support plans with realistic health and well-being targets that reflect their own identified needs, and which meet CCG approval
  • Develop support plans with internal clinical oversight
  • Prepare care plans before support planning
  • Signpost individuals to people or organisations who can help them manage their PHB funds and provide specialist information, advice and guidance (IAG)
  • Organise and carry out PHB support plan reviews
  • Develop methods for assessing how people view their health and well-being, and track the PHB support plan impact over time using quantitative and qualitative measures to gather data
  • Consult on, and recommend plans for, expanding PHBs across NHS services, making best use of existing resources and pinpointing ways to more effectively meet growing PHB demands

More about Blauw Bear and who we are